Who We Are

Special Video Report: Top Guns celebration of life for Dr. Bo Hi Pak – March 2019

Expanding the partnership: Find out how Project Phoenix came to be.

UPDATE:   Project Phoenix DMV (D.C., Maryland, and Virginia) March 2017 REPORT!

Report on Phoenix Summit at East Garden July 2016

We share a common bond of heart in the desire to see a peaceful, God-centered world. We are working together to show a living example of the culture, practice and life transforming effects of these Principles in action.

The purpose of Origins Partnership is to be a vehicle through which generations partner together to make the world a better place for the future. We share a common bond of heart in the desire to see a peaceful, God-centered world. This is the legacy of the revolutionary principles taught by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Together, we are working to show living examples of the culture, practice and life transforming effects of these Principles in action.

We are an independent organization with a broad emphasis on family-building, service, public policy and professional expertise while maintaining a heart for God and the World. We work from our life experience, learn from each other and work together as we move our families, communities and nation into the future of the World.
Now you may ask . . . . . .  what’s our vision and how do we plan to achieve it?

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