Get involved

You like the ideas and spirit displayed in our Vision statement?

There is a role you may be able to play as well in Origins Partnership. We welcome the involvement of others who through their youdamanlife experience have something significant to share with up and coming Unificationists  and beyond. We welcome contact from you to discuss where you think you could be involved. Mentors, intern sponsors and collaborators are encouraged to touch base with us. Please use the contact form. We have a specific form if you want to become a mentor.

For those of you who feel a calling to help financially in this effort, we thank you. Our hope is to eventually fund great projects in addition to mentoring them into fruition. You may be the key to that happening. If you want to help a specific project or make a one-time or recurring contribution to our non-profit corporation, please use one of our options below. If you are interested in being a major sponsor in  a significant project we partner in, please contact us via the form above.

Again, thanks for your interest.

We welcome your support for the upcoming Project Phoenix campaign!


We have options for your donations. The easiest is to use our gateway on a partner site. You can click here. A new window will open in a new tab on your browser.

For those who want to use PayPal  just click this buttons below. You will be given options for:

  • The amount you wish to give
  • If you’d like to turn this into a monthly donation (yes!). Monthly contributions are labeled as “Subscriptions”. NOTE: Monthy contributions over $100, please use the link above for our partner site.

One time donations:

Recurring donations:

Recurring contribution options:

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